Neurodiversity in School Age Populations

Toolkit This toolkit is intended for educators and school teams who want to promote neurodiversity. This could include teachers, school staff, administrators, paraeducators, school psychologists, and others working with autistic students and students with developmental disabilities. Click here to access a free PDF of the toolkit. Course More strategies and resources can be found in the… Read more Neurodiversity in School Age Populations

Building Social Skills in Schools

Toolkit This toolkit provides strategies and resources for those within the public education setting who are supporting autistic students. It focuses on the areas of social awareness and relationship skills in order to improve student connections. Click here to access a free PDF of the toolkit. Course More strategies and resources can be found in the Building Social Connections… Read more Building Social Skills in Schools

Optimizing the Autism Eligibility Process in Schools: A Team-Based Approach

Toolkit The purpose of this toolkit is to introduce a framework for engaging in team-based, family and student-centered autism evaluations that are data-focused and designed to identify the specific areas of educational impact to be targeted for intervention. This toolkit will progress through a series of five key steps, starting from the time a concern… Read more Optimizing the Autism Eligibility Process in Schools: A Team-Based Approach

Token System – An Overview

Evidence-Based Practice Link Token boards are an intervention that incorporate reinforcement, which is an evidence-based practice for autistic students. Reinforcement is defined as “application of consequence that happens after a skill or behavior occurs that increases the learner’s use of the skill or behavior in future situation.” (Steinbrenner et al., 112). Token boards are based… Read more Token System – An Overview

Evidence-Based Practices for Autistic Students (for Educators)

What is evidence-based practice (EBP)? An intervention is an evidence-based practice when there is scientific evidence to support its claims. Evidence-based practices must be selected for implementation based on sound professional judgment, coupled with the careful review of available data, input from individuals and family members, and an honest evaluation of the educators’ capacity to… Read more Evidence-Based Practices for Autistic Students (for Educators)

Postsecondary Education for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities

Why a Postsecondary Education? A postsecondary education can open a whole new world for people both with and without disabilities. The college experience allows one to broaden one’s interests, establish and pursue one’s goals, and form life-long friendships. In addition to a college education allowing for the possibility of a higher paying job, the social… Read more Postsecondary Education for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities

Trauma and Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

What is trauma? Trauma is understood as experiences or situations that are emotionally painful and distressing. Trauma can overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope, leaving him or her to feel powerless. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) describe traumatic experiences in a person’s life occurring before the age of 18.  Examples of traumatic events that can have… Read more Trauma and Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Token Economy (for teachers)

What is a Token Economy? Token economies are based on the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) and emphasize the use of positive reinforcement to target behavior change. Token economies help students to visualize progress, accept and work for delayed reinforcement, learn to self-monitor, and learn to regulate behavior. Developing a Token Economy When developing… Read more Token Economy (for teachers)

Children and Stuttering (for parents)

What Is Stuttering? According to the Stuttering Foundation, stuttering occurs when the flow of speech is broken by repetitions (li-li-like this), prolongations (lllllike this), or abnormal stoppages (no sound) of sounds and syllables. Unusual facial and body movements amy also be associated with the effort to speak. What Causes Stuttering? While the exact causes of… Read more Children and Stuttering (for parents)